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brainspotting institute

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Upcoming events

    • 02/13/2025
    • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
    • Online

Past events

12/12/2024 SEBI Webinar ~ Healing Paws: Integrating Pet Therapy with Brainspotting
10/10/2024 SEBI Webinar: Brainspotting, Visual Impairment & Enhanced Attunement
08/08/2024 SEBI Webinar: Cultural Sensitivity in Brainspotting, with Grace Duarte de Baker
06/13/2024 SEBI Webinar: Sensory Gating & Dissociation with Dr. David Grand
04/11/2024 SEBI Webinar: Caring for the Brains of First Responders & Healthcare Workers
02/08/2024 SEBI Webinar: Brainspotting & Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy
12/14/2023 SEBI Webinar: When the Body Fights Itself: Autoimmune Conditions and Brainspotting
10/12/2023 SEBI Webinar: Processing in Faith with Margaret Conley
08/10/2023 Dr. David Grand "Why Set-Up is a Verb and Not a Noun" - Integrating and Expanding Brainspotting
06/08/2023 Digging Roots with Steve Sawyer
04/13/2023 Brainspotting and Family Systems Constellation
02/09/2023 Brainspotting and Attachment
12/08/2022 Poetry, Prose, and Brainspotting
12/02/2022 Brainspotting Master Class: From a Neuroexperiential Perspective with David Grand, PhD
10/13/2022 From Survivor to Hero: Brainspotting in the Sandtray
08/11/2022 Expansion: Lecture and Demonstration
06/09/2022 Brainspotting and Parts: Demonstration and Discussion
04/14/2022 Brainspotting and Grey Area Drinking
02/24/2022 Brainspotting Travel Trip to Mexico - Cynthasis
02/10/2022 "Stop Being Weird About Money!"
11/14/2021 Brainspotting Phase One Training Southeast November - Cynthasis
11/05/2021 Brainspotting Phase One Hammond - Cynthasis
10/24/2021 Brainspotting Phase Two Training - Cynthasis
10/14/2021 Brainspotting and TRE: Integrating Spotting and Body Tremoring
10/01/2021 Brainspotting and Parts Work Advanced - Cynthasis
09/12/2021 Brainspotting Phase One Training Southeast - Cynthasis
08/12/2021 Brainspotting and Borderline Adaptations
08/06/2021 Clearing Limbic Countertransference August 2021 - Cynthasis
06/27/2021 Brainspotting Phase One Training Southeast June - Cynthasis
06/10/2021 Brainspotting and Groups
04/23/2021 Brainspotting Phase One Training
04/17/2021 Self-Spotting Workshop
04/08/2021 Brainspotting: Intersectionality & Social Justice
03/14/2021 Brainspotting Phase Two Training
03/05/2021 Brainspotting Phase One Training
02/11/2021 Brainspotting - Couple Co-regulating (BSP-CC)
12/10/2020 Self Brainspotting the Holidays
12/04/2020 Brainspotting Master Class with David Grand PhD
11/06/2020 Brainspotting Phase Two Training
10/23/2020 Brainspotting Phase One Training
10/08/2020 Interweaving Brainspotting with Exposure and Response Prevention in the Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
09/11/2020 Brainspotting Phase One Training
08/13/2020 Brainspotting with Stalking Victims
07/09/2020 Brainspotting and Dissociative Identity Disorder
06/05/2020 Brainspotting Phase One Training
05/14/2020 Pain and Brainspotting
04/24/2020 Phase 1 Training - Memphis, TN
04/03/2020 Phase 1 Training - Tulsa, OK
03/13/2020 Clearing Limbic Countertransference – Atlanta, GA
03/12/2020 Nurturing Brain Health with Nutrition and Brainspotting
03/06/2020 Phase 2 Training - Nashville TN
02/28/2020 Phase 1 Training - Atlanta, GA
02/08/2020 Southeast Brainspotting Institute's Annual Fundraiser
02/07/2020 Phase 3 Training with Dr. David Grand
01/24/2020 Phase 1 Training - Coconut Creek, Florida
01/10/2020 Phase 1 Training - Raleigh, NC
01/09/2020 Working with Individuals on the Spectrum with Trauma through a Brainspotting Lens
12/20/2019 Held Space, Peer Consultation Group - Hammond Louisiana (every third Friday in person or through Zoom)
12/05/2019 Brainspotting Training For Therapists of Color
12/02/2019 Triad BSP Peer Consultation Group - Greensboro, North Carolina (every first Monday)
11/15/2019 Held Space, Peer Consultation Group - Hammond Louisiana (every third Friday in person or through Zoom)
11/14/2019 Brainspotting for Sport Performance Expansion Should Be Integrated into Every Sports Medicine Treatment Model
10/25/2019 Phase 1 Training, Nashville, TN
10/04/2019 Issues in Therapy Conference with David Grand
09/27/2019 Phase 2 Training - Atlanta Georgia
09/12/2019 Trauma Informed CBT: A Model for Integrating Brainspotting into a CBT Protocol
09/04/2019 Brainspotting Intensive - Atlanta, Georgia
09/02/2019 Triad BSP Peer Consultation Group - Greensboro, North Carolina (every first Monday)
08/30/2019 Introductory Brainspotting Workshop
08/02/2019 Phase 1 Training - Nashville, Tennessee
07/11/2019 Using Brainspotting to Heal Perinatal Trauma
06/13/2019 Spirituality and Brainspotting Webinar
06/07/2019 Phase 2 Training - Asheville, NC
06/07/2019 Phase 2 Training - Asheville, North Carolina
05/31/2019 Phase 1 Training - Hammond, Louisiana
04/12/2019 Phase 1 Training - Winston-Salem, NC
04/05/2019 Phase 2 Training- Jacksonville, Fl
02/15/2019 Brainspotting Specialty Developmental Trauma Clinical Seminar
01/25/2019 Phase 1 Training- Atlanta, GA
01/18/2019 Brainspotting Phase 2: Batesville, AR
12/07/2018 SEBI Holiday Party
12/07/2018 Brainspotting Phase 4: Atlanta, GA
12/06/2018 Brainspotting Question and Answer with Dr Roby Abeles and the Southeast Brainspotting institute
10/05/2018 Brainspotting Phase One Training Orlando, FL
09/21/2018 Brainspotting Phase Two: Nashville, TN
08/10/2018 Brainspotting Phase One: Nashville, TN
08/03/2018 Brainspotting Advanced Clinical Seminar, GA
06/08/2018 Phase 1 Training- Atlanta, Ga
04/27/2018 Brainspotting with Kids -Atlanta, GA

Supporting the resolution, restoration and healing of individuals and communities.

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