This recording of the December 8, 2023 SEBI Webinar "Poetry, Prose and Brainspotting" features Poet and Brainspotting Practitioner/Consultant Kristy Snedden along with her guests, the Poet James Diaz and Brainspotting Practitioner/Consultant Deb Antinori. Resources and contact info shared in/after this webinar are below.
For Kristy Snedden: If you are interested in a group experience to access your poetic process, please email Kristy at and put Poetry/Prose/Writing with BSP in the subject line.
If you are interested in reading some of Kristy’s published poetry, check her out on Instagram @kristy_snedden_poetry or Facebook at Kristy Snedden-Poetry
To purchase the "peanut" (Physio Roll Ball) that Kristy uses, the link is:|kt~|mt~|ta~&_vsrefdom=wordstream&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1sucBhDgARIsAFoytUtG9fW41hHYKKCTUqS6O0MjapFaQVctKJv2RY8AblQ9pheKrxgYYywaAvgkEALw_wcB
For more on James Diaz and their work:
Deb Antinori's next Brain Science training: Feb 17 & 24, 2023. Visit her website: